Build your savings with an M&T Premium Savings Account
Save when you open our new Premium Savings account - a great way to keep your money accessible when you need it.
See why a Premium Savings account could help you reach your goals.
No minimum opening balance required.
Earn interest while having easy access to your money.

$20 monthly maintenance charge
Monthly maintenance charge is waived{{d131*}} if the the average daily balance maintained in the account for that monthly service charge cycle is at least $10,000
- OR -
on the service charge cycle date, you have a MyChoice Premium Checking, Power Checking, M&T Select, M&T Select With Interest, or Advantage Checking account.

Deposits are FDIC Insured up to maximum limits.
Premium Savings account features
Conveniently access and manage your savings account
Online or on your phone with M&T Online & Mobile Banking
At an M&T Bank branch or ATM
Tools to keep you informed of any changes in your accounts
Can provide Overdraft Protection to a linked M&T checking account
Combined statements
Compatible with Direct Deposit and M&T's Easy Save
M&T's Easy Save is a feature that allows automatic transfers between M&T accounts – so you can save more.
M&T Platinum Client
M&T Platinum Client is our concierge financial experience designed for your unique life.
View the benefits and learn more about joining M&T Platinum Client.
If you don't need the flexibility to access your money for awhile, lock in a great rate with a Certificate of Deposit (CD).
Financial Education Center
Whether you are creating a household budget, starting a business, paying for college education, or saving for retirement, M&T can help.
There are two ways to build your financial literacy – browse a library of relevant topics or simply answer a few questions and receive custom resources based on your current needs and future goals.