Cash-Secured Loans

Get more from the funds you already have. Finance a big purchase or consolidate high-interest debt with a cash-secured loan{{d54*}} from M&T.

Features of a Cash-Secured Loan from M&T

  • Competitive fixed-interest rates
  • Secured by cash deposits, such as those from an M&T Certificate of Deposit or an M&T Savings Account{{d43*}}
  • Loan is secured by the funds in your deposit account, which must equal at least 100% of the loan amount
  • Fast approval process
  • Prompt, professional attention
  • Relationship discounts for customers with qualifying M&T Bank consumer checking accounts
  • A great way to build your credit

Maximum Loan Amount


Minimum Loan Amount



[[MinAPR]] - [[MaxAPR]] APR{{d548*}}

Repayment Term

12 - 120 months{{d462*}}

Make a Loan Payment

Already have a cash-secured loan with M&T? We offer a number of different ways to make your loan payment, so you can choose the most convenient method for you.

Learn How to Pay Your M&T Loan >