Apply for Mortgage Assistance
Take action by following the steps below to apply for mortgage and home equity loan assistance.
How to Apply for Assistance
Take action. Start with these steps below:
Step 1: Download and complete a Mortgage Assistance Application.
- For loans backed by FHA use the Mortgage Assistance Application #1.
- For loans backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac use the Mortgage Assistance Application #2.
- For loans NOT backed by FHA, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac use the Mortgage Assistance Application #3.
If you’re unable to print the forms, please call us at 1-800-724-1633 and we’ll mail them to you.
Please note:
- If your loan is backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), you are not currently required to submit a Mortgage Assistance Application to be reviewed for mortgage assistance options. Please give us a call and we will work with you to determine which options are best suited for you.
- If your loan is backed by the Veterans Administration (VA), you only need to submit a Mortgage Assistance Application if your loan is due for less than 2 monthly mortgage payments and you are looking to sell your property. If you are looking to participate in a home retention mortgage assistance option, please contact us as soon as possible.
Not sure who your loan is backed by? Use one of the tools below to look up your loan.
If your loan doesn't appear on either of these tools, use either Loan Application #1 if you have an FHA-insured loan, or Loan Application #3 if you do not have an FHA-insured loan.
Mortgage Assistance
Where to begin and what comes next. Get more information in the Mortgage Assistance process PDF.
Step 2: Gather your documents.
It is extremely important that you review your Mortgage Assistance Application to ensure its complete and that you’ve gathered all of the required documents listed out in the application before submitting back to us. We need to receive a fully complete application in order to review your hardship request for all loan assistance programs.
Additional Forms
The below forms are provided in the Mortgage Assistance Applications, if applicable, however we have separated each attachment into their own PDFs, should you need to download and print an extra individually.
Mortgage Assistance Application #2
Mortgage Assistance Application #3
Step 3: Submit your completed forms.
Once you’ve completed the forms and gathered all necessary documents, you can submit your documentation to us in one of three ways:
Print or Scan a PDF to:
Please include your loan number in the body of your email or scan.
Fax to:
Mail to:
M&T Bank
P.O. Box 840
Buffalo, NY 14240
Step 4: Look for confirmation.
Once we’ve received your mortgage assistance application, you will receive an acknowledgement letter from us in the mail. You’ll then receive a second letter, either informing you that your application is complete with next steps, or instructions on how to complete your application if further documents are required from you.
HUD Counseling
For additional assistance, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which is a government agency, sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country that can provide help on foreclosure prevention and debt management information, as well as translation or other language assistance.
If you need assistance, please contact a HUD-approved housing counselor:
- HUD’s phone number. 1-800-569-4287
- HUD’s website.
- HUD’s toll-free number via Text Telephone (TTY). 1-800-877-8339
- The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). 1-855-411-2372
Additional Resources
- Homeowner Assistance Fund — NCSHA
- What You Need to Know About Mortgage Forbearance
- Consumer Federal Protection Bureau (CFPB) Resource Center
- HUD Homeowner Counseling Resources or HUD's Phone Number: 1-800-569-4287
- For FHA/HUD Loans or to learn more about FHA's Payment Supplement Agreement (PSA) program, view our PSA Infographic (PDF) or listen to our PSA Podcast. You can also read our PSA Podcast Transcript (PDF)
- For VA Loans or to learn about VA's VASP program, view our VASP Infographic (PDF)
- For USDA Loans
- For Section 184 Indian Home Loans
- For Freddie Mac Loans
- For Fannie Mae Loans
- Spring Four - SpringFour is an independent company that researches and verifies non-profit as well as government organizations in your area designed to help you become more financially stable.
- National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) – This Tribal Housing Assistance website is a resource hub for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian homeowners, individuals, and families looking for mortgage assistance through the Homeowner Assistance Fund.
Have Questions?
We can help you fill out your Mortgage Assistance Application or answer any other questions.
Call us at 1-800-724-1633
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 9pm EST
Friday: 9am - 5pm EST
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