Safeguard your business from fraud liability
Help protect your business by making sure your payment system is up to date with chip card reader technology.
A Merchant Services Business Consultant
will contact you within 24 hours.

Chip card technology can protect your business from financial liability
Did you know your business may now be liable for fraudulent transactions at the point of sale? M&T Bank Merchant Services can help shift liability away from your business through EMV® chip technology.
Take advantage of EMV chip technology
Merchants who cannot accept EMV chip cards may be held liable for fraudulent transactions at the point of sale. With a terminal certified to accept chip cards, you can help your business avoid potentially being held liable for card-present fraud.
Adopt a global technology standard
EMV chip technology is the world-wide standard for card-based payments. Chip technology helps protect both merchants and consumers with more advanced security than traditional magnetic stripe cards. Accepting EMV payments indicates to your customers that you are committed to a safer, more advanced way to pay. It’s also popular with tourists and international travelers.
Use EMV to accept contactless payments.{{d59*}}
Most EMV capable terminals also have the ability to accept contactless payment options such as Apple Pay®, Google Pay® and Samsung Pay®.
Fraud Protection Services
Take advantage of solutions to protect your customers and your business. Learn more about M&T Fraud Protection Services.
Partner with M&T Bank
Hear from a Merchant Services Business Consultant directly or book an appointment with your nearest branch in person, on the phone or by video.
We will contact you within 24 hours.